We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.

Hebrews 6:19a

About HOPE

One of the most basic needs of humanity is hope. Hope of All Nations is the humanitarian branch of Shake The Nations Ministries. Our passion is to bring the hope of Jesus Christ to the poor and destitute. We want to be a light that shines in the darkest of places and presents the Gospel not just in word, but also in deed. The hope that comes through knowing Christ is foundational to all we do to meet the needs of those who are desperate. Our heart is to demonstrate God’s compassion for the poor through feeding, clothing and preaching the Gospel to the least of these. We want to show the world a hope in Christ that will never disappoint!

Thus far, we have completed humanitarian projects in more than twelve nations of the world. Our vision has recently expanded to include a work on the ground in the nation of Honduras. Here, we will be launching our vision of having a distribution house, “Hope House” where we can provide food, clothing, spiritual growth and educational materials directly to those in need. This project will be a prototype for us to launch further Hope Projects around the world.

Rachel Morris, the wife of Evangelist Nathan Morris, directs this branch of the ministry from the Shake The Nations Worldwide Headquarters in Orlando, Florida.


Partner With HOPE

Hope of All Nations is the humanitarian branch of Shake The Nations Ministries. Our passion is to bring the hope of Jesus Christ to the poor and destitute. We want to be a light that shines in the darkest of places and presents the Gospel not just in word, but also in deed. 

By partnering through Hope of All Nations, you will be helping us to feed the hungry, provide clothes and essential items to the poor, and you will help us to offer the greatest hope the world has ever known, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 
Thank you for helping us give hope away!

Give Hope Away Today!

We want to extend this invitation for you to be a blessing to a family in need by donating $10 to buy a food bag. This bag will help feed a family of four people for up to a month. These bags will be distributed to villages on our upcoming trips this year. We are already preparing to minister to these precious people, and we hope you will consider giving toward this work in the nation of Honduras.